Which mode of Education is best ? What to Choose? Know 5 criteria on which can be decided what to choose online or offline. Online Vs Offline ?

From Ancient times We have all been learning in offline mode. But the pandemic Covid has changed the scenario of learning methods throughout the world. Before pandemic  online eductaion was there in secneario but at very slow stage .   As we are living in this digital era, and every business is moving towards digital. so nowadays it become more popular. Although Both modes are good in terms of gaining knowledge.   Just read below the full topic and suggest it yourself.

6 Different Facts to compare for better desicion for choosing online vs offline

  • Cost
  • time 
  • flexibility
  • Communication
  • Technology
  •  Descipline


Cost is the major aspect when comparing online vs offline education, In online education, the cost is very less compared to offline education because online education provider does not spend on infrastructure, and there is no rent, and no maintenance so online education always is cheaper than offline education. In this case, the education provider shares the profit with their learners also. so the learner gets the benefit of cost-cutting.In  online education   Travelling expense be also a cost cutting for a learner. 


In terms of Time-saving, Online education is best. Offline students have to get ready and travel to reach Class. but for online study, this time can be saved.


In terms of flexbility , if Online education is in recorded form , a learner can study as per his/her own flexible schedule. but  in offline mode,  learner have to attend as per schedule.


In terms of communication offline classes are best , as in offline class student  and teacher can communicate with each other very frequently. it develop communication skill in them . but online classes are having no communication or very less communication.


Online education is totally depend on technology . Student atleast must have a smart phone  or a laptop and a good speed network . Although offline education also  need technology  in some cases but not fully dependent. sometimes by using technology children are getting adictted of it. more screen time causing health problem for them.


in online mode as a student is alone, not in under surveillance so there may be no discipline . but in offline mode student is under control of a teacher so there is more disclipline.



Both the modes are best  for  true learner . Means it depends if a child / learner is sincere,  can grasp things easily but if learner is not sincere or control by outbond then he or she should prefer offline . . . according to their mental ability, he can gain knowledge in both ways. I must say ” Depending upon age factor , situation and the sincerety level of a child one should decide which mode is suitable for them.”

if you want to see the same comparion go to our youtube channel  and watch the video till end.

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