Handwriting Improvement Course

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Hand­writ­ing is a process stu­dent incur in daily life . It con­sumes largest por­tion of stu­dents cur­ricu­lum . If such a major part is not up to the mark it has a big neg­a­tive impact observ­able . If we could take this first nec­es­sary step in pri­mary edu­ca­tion, we will be saved from much use­less expen­di­ture. Not only that, but we would also enrich and even add to the life of chil­dren, because the change would enable them to achieve a greater men­tal and phys­i­cal development.

Benefits of Handwritting Improvement

Good hand­writ­ing is like the doorstep to the hall of com­mu­ni­ca­tion,” The basic func­tion of the writ­ten word is to com­mu­ni­cate and hand­writ­ing plays an impor­tant role in deter­min­ing how effec­tive the communication is.

It is a known fact good hand­writ­ing can help stu­dents fetch that extra mark in examinations.

If a stu­dent have good hand­writ­ing then auto­mat­i­cally his/her inter­est in stud­ies and read­ing increases , he is able to retain much faster .

The focus on hand­writ­ing serves as a spring­board for stu­dent achieve­ment across the cur­ricu­lum. If a per­son has a good hand­writ­ing in a par­tic­u­lar lan­guage, he invari­ably would write beau­ti­fully in other lan­guages also.

Leg­i­ble hand­writ­ing enhances the writer’s abil­ity to think.

Handwriting can boost your self-confidence. Lack of con­fi­dence may be rob­bing you of suc­cess. Your hand­writ­ing may hold the proof to make you believe in yourself.

You may find evi­dence of new tal­ents or apti­tudes in your hand­writ­ing that you never dreamed of.

Good hand­writ­ing is not only pleas­ing to the eye and easy to under­stand, it also tells us a whole lot of things about the per­son, clar­ity of thought, abil­ity to orga­nize, and bal­ance in presentation.

It def­i­nitely brings a pos­i­tive change in life, for dull stu­dents it can be a start towards improve­ment in their stud­ies and to make them more determined .

Mainly in vil­lages and in gov­ern­ment schools , teach­ers and stu­dents don’t know cur­sive hand­writ­ing. For Eng­lish medium schools it is very impor­tant to learn cur­sive hand­writ­ing as the speed increases more in it as com­pared to print­ing script.


 20 to 30 hours course depending on the age and  the ability of the student